Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically evaluate a specific issue related to the management of Essay
Critically evaluate a specific issue related to the management of paediatric patients with a systemic malignancy - Essay Example emic malignancy treatment in children have indicated that the treatment has particular adverse impacts that present years following the initial treatment termed as late effects. From the conclusions of the reviewed literature, it becomes clearer that management of childhood systemic malignancies have late effects on them as they grow and develop. This paper will seek to discuss the late effects that result from the management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumors on pediatric patients, in this case regarding their neuro-cognitive development. In addition, because the neuro-cognitive deficits resulting from systemic malignancy management will cause psychosocial deficits, these will also be discussed as part of the paper. Finally, the paper will also briefly discuss how these late effects can be managed to improve the lives of the pediatric patients in later life, which is important because it is recognised that survivors of childhood systemic malignancy need follow-up care. The care model for pediatric systemic malignancy patients revolves around a risk-based approach that incorporates risks based on co-morbid health conditions and lifestyle behaviours (Carroll & Finlay 2010, p. 45). Deficits in neuro-cognitive function are commonly experienced by survivors of childhood systemic malignancy, manifesting in various domains such as language, visual-spatial skills, verbal memory, psychomotor skills, processing speed, executive functioning, concentration, and attention. While Bottomley & Kassner (2003, p. 129) contend that it has also been found that these deficits manifest across academic performance and intellectual functioning, it is important to note that these deficits are only limited to systemic malignancies like brain tumors and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. From the reading, it is probable that this is mostly caused by treatment directed at the CNS and the irreparable damage caused to a growing CNS, which results in neuro-cognitive deficits in later
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Phytochemical report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Phytochemical report - Coursework Example The tree height is between 5 to 8 meters. It is traditionally used as treatment remedy option for intestinal diseases, diarrhea and dysentery (Jindal and Sharma, 2004). The pomegranate fruit is comprised of almost 550% of full pomegranate mass. It contains 85% sap and 15% seeds. The fresh liquid is composed of 80% water, 15% whole sugars, and 2.5% pectin, polyphenolic flavonoids and the ascorbic acid. The critically abundant phytochemicals present in the juice of pomegranate are tannins. The most frequent phytochemicals in the pomegranate are the hydrolysable tannins. These are known as ellagitannins and are produced as the result of binding between some carbohydrate and the ellagic acid. Punicalagins are the type of tannins which have the property of scavenging for free radicals present in our body (Kulkarni et al , 2007). They have the potential to be used as therapeutics (Heber, 2008). Some other phytochemicals present are catechins which are polyphenolic in nature, gallocatechins and a variety of anthocyanins like cyanidin and prodelphinidins etc (Plumb et al., 2002). Due to the presence of these phytochemicals the pomegranate plant is very abundantly used as a therapeutic agent like bark of the root is used in the treatment of parasites residing in the intestine like tape worms. We will focus on the effects of punicalagins as they are readily absorbed and have a critical value as anti oxidants. Different studies involving the fruit extract and also the flower extract showed that there is high content of punicalagins in them and the therapeutic potential of this compound is very diverse. It is basically a poly phenolic compound. Particularly speaking the punicalagins are the huge compounds of polyphenols which are the isomers of 2, 3 - (S) -hexahydroxydiphenoyl-4,6-(S,S) - gallagyl- D- glucose. The molecular weight is 1085 reparation (Bialonska, et al, 2009). Affects of Processing on Punicalagins The homogeneous punicalagins is made by performing the extractions with different solvents of the comminuted pomegranate outgrowth. It has the reddish brown appearance and the total yield is about 30% to 35 % punicalagins. There is as such no effect of processing on the structure and activities of the compound. It maintains its native properties and is used commercially as an antioxidant. The final product is in the powder form. Different methods have been devised for the extraction of organic compounds, so similarly there have been a number of methods which have been used for the isolation and purification of the punicalagins. The organic extraction method is one of the safest and relatively cost effective methods. Whatever the method may be used, special care is taken in order to maintain the stability and activity of the product so that it can be used commercially or experimentally. For the purification relatively benign and highly specific and sensitive techniques are used like High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). As this is a very sensitive and rapid method the extracts can be easily purified by it. Studies are still under process to improve the methods of extraction of these bioactive compounds in their native form (Heber, 2008). Effects in the body Punicalagins are extremely exclusive and strong polyphenol antioxidant which metabolize into ellagic acid. The rate of absorption of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Motivation Of The Journey Themes
The Motivation Of The Journey Themes In literature the theme of a journey is a common one but the motivation for the journey changes considerably. The goal of each journey was directly influenced by the values of the specific time period and location in which the pieces were written. These pieces include The Odyssey by Homer, The Inferno by Dante, Candide by Voltaire, and A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle. Each of these works of literature have their own concept of a journey but are similar in that they all share a driving force to complete their own specific quests. In The Odyssey by Homer we see two journeys. The main journey is Odysseuss journey home, back to his civilization. We also see Telemachus journey to find his fathers whereabouts. In Odysseuss journey we see many obstacles that get in his way including gods which was a big part of Greek culture. Greek gods are considered to be human-like because of their inability to be perfect and because of this the gods are not always well respected by the humans. One of the gods who tried to prevent him from completing his journey was Poseidon. Poseidon sought revenge on Odysseus because Odysseus had blinded the Cyclopes which were one of Poseidons sons. In return Poseidon shipwrecks Odysseus and he ends up on Phaeacia. Odysseus will do what is necessary to get back to his polis. The ultimate goal for a Greek is to achieve fame and glory through his polis. I would have had my rites and the Achaians given me glory. Now it is by a dismal death that I must be taken (Homer, 306-312). If this fame and glory is not achieved they believed that life was a waste. The city in which he ruled was called Ithaca. The polis in which he ruled in Ithaca believed that Odysseus was dead because he had not returned home in such a long time. The only true believers were his wife Penelope and son Telemachus. Telemachus saw that the suitors were disloyal to his father Odysseus by eating all his food and trying to take his mother as a wife and because of this he went on his own journey to find someone who had visual evidence of his death. On this journey he found no such evidence of death but he was starting to lose hope of his fathers return. We see that both Odysseus and Telemachus believe that civilization is the motiva ting force for their journeys. In Telemachus case, he wants to bring back the truth to his polis about Odysseus. In Odysseus case, he wants to return to his polis for fame and glory which is the greatest achievement possible. In The Inferno by Dante we see a completely different journey. Instead of a journey for fame and glory through your polis we see a journey through hell to prove there is one God. Dante was born in Florence, Italy in 1265 in the Medieval era where Christianity was the dominate religion in that location at the time. In Christianity there is the idea of heaven and hell. In Christianity when you die you are judged based on your life by God and you are either sent to heaven where the good people go or hell where the bad people go. In this book Dante is allowed by God to enter hell alive to write about what he sees and who he meets. During this journey he is accompanied by Virgil who is his guide through hell because hell is where he resides. His journey is also stopped by obstacles, but since it was willed by God to make this journey no obstacle could stop him for long. Once the people in hell knew they were protected by God they would tell Dante anything he wanted to know. When Dante journey lead him to the wall of the city of Dis; he was stopped by demons that would not let him pass. The abyss of the rest of hell was behind this gate and he needed to get passed. An angel from heaven was sent to open the gate for Dante and Virgil. The demons could not reject anything from heaven because they feared heaven. Through me the way into the suffering city, through me the way to the eternal pain, through me the way that runs among the lost. Justice urged on my high artificer; my maker was divine authority, the highest wisdom, and the primal love. Before me nothing but eternal things abandon every hope, who enter hereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Dante, 1-11). This journey was meant to show that there is one God that is very powerful even am ongst the most evil and even Satan himself. Dante on his journey saw symbolic retribution which is when the punishment fits the crime and this was used to show that the sins committed on earth is the same sin you will commit in hell for all eternity. Hell is separated into 9 different circles with 1 being the best circle and 9 being the worst circle in terms of the punishment. Depending on the sin the person committed; they would be sent to that corresponding circle. For example, if you are a priest and you commit a sin such as you trade the grace and favor of the church for money you would be sent to the 3rd bolge in the 8th circle and you would be known a simonist. Their punishment is a reverse baptism where they are hung upside down in holes and are baptized in fire not in water. This is also an example of symbolic retribution. In Dantes journey we see a difference in motivation between the Odysseys journeys in that, a strive for fame and glory is not seen and polis is not even mentioned. His journey was used to communicate a fear for one God and also show the consequences of the wrong doings on earth. According to Dante, the worst sins you commit on earth you will pay for in hell. In the next piece of literature, Candide by Voltaire, we follow the main character Candide on a long journey for the girl that he loves Cunà ©gonde. He is banished from his home for kissing Cunà ©gonde who is of a higher social ranking then himself. Because of his banishment he embarks on a long journey of hardship. He remembers Dr. Pangloss teachings as a kid a uses his philosophy throughout his journey. Dr. Pangloss always would tell him that they live in the best world and everything in this world is for the best. After a couple of years with the army he escapes to Lisbon because he was ill-treated. In Lisbon he finds his lost love Cunà ©gonde with two men who want her. Candide kills the two men and he now escapes on a journey with Cunà ©gonde. But this journey with Cunà ©gonde did not last long because he was wanted for the killings of the two men. Candide had to flee and he told Cunà ©gonde to stay in Buenos Aires until his return. Candide and his servant Cacambo come across the lost city of gold known as El Dorado. Here they find kids playing with an abundance of gold as if gold was meaningless to them. In El Dorado there was so much gold that they played with it instead of cherishing it. El Dorado represents the conclusion of a perfect journey but for Candide this wasnt the case. This was not perfect because Cunà ©gonde was not with him and he never forgot about his promise that he would come back for her. So he took a large quantity of gold and went back to look for her. Since Candide cannot return because he is wanted; he instructs his servant Cacambo to go get Cunà ©gonde and bring her to Venice Italy where they could reunite. Candide arrives to Venice late and he has to search for Cacambo who was nowhere to be found. Eventually he finds Cacambo and again they embark on another journey to Turkey because that is supposedly where Cunà ©gonde now stays. Sure enough there long journey comes to an end when they meet in Turkey. Candide lost his love for Cunà ©gonde because she became ugly and fat but he still married her because of her social status. They end up buying a small farm that they must tend to regularly. Candide journey was all for nothing. In his journey he had the opportunity to stay in the perfect world of El Dorado where there was plenty of food an riches but instead he decided to pursue Cunà ©gonde. Cunà ©gonde was once the perfection in his life but by the end she became imperfect. His journey has put him through many obstacles but in the end he was happy with the farm although he must work for food and his wife is not what he wanted. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for if you had not been kicked out of a magnificent castle for love of Miss Cunà ©gonde: if you had not been put into the Inquisition: if you had not walked over America: if you had not stabbà ©d the Baron: if you had not lost all your sheep from the fine country of El Dorado: you would not be here eating preserved citrons and pistachio-nuts. All that is very well, answered Candide, but let us cultivate our garden. (Voltaire, 30.29-31). In the end, his journey was to find the perfect place where Candide was satisfied with his life and he eventually did this at the end of his long journey for Cunà ©gonde. In the last piece of literature, A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle, two journeys also take place; the journey of why the crime was committed and the journey to find the criminal. One of the main characters is Sherlock Holmes who is a private detective not affiliated with the authorities helps people find the truth about a particular situation that is considered unsolvable. Sherlock Holmes uses the reality of the situation as well as common sense to solve the issues he is presented with. The first journey of why the crime was committed starts off when John Ferrier and young Lucy are rescued by Brigham Young and the Mormons. The Mormons agreed to take them if they converted to the Mormon religion which meant they had to follow the Mormons rules. John Ferrier and young Lucy had to agree to this or they would die in the desert. As time went on they settled with the Mormons and followed their traditions of their religion but they were still Christian at heart. According to Mormon law young Lucy who is John Ferriers adopted daughter must marry a Mormon boy but Lucy loved another boy named Jefferson Hope who is a hunter but is not Mormon. John Ferrier was forced to make a choice or flee away from the Mormon settlement. With the help of Lucys love Jefferson Hope they try to run away from the Mormons. They eventually get caught and John Ferrier gets murdered, Lucy gets seized, and Jefferson Hope was not there to witness this so he gets spared. Therefore, Jefferson Hope, seeking revenge, finds out the names and whereabouts of the Mormons who killed John and Lucy. He finds out that Drebber and Stangerson are the ones responsible for this so he goes on a journey hunting for them. Jefferson Hope eventually finds both of them and kills them. Jefferson Hope killed Drebber by poison and Stangerson by stabbing him to death. It became a coincidence that Sherlock Holmes was put on this case to find the killer. Eventually with the cunningness of Sherlock Holmes, Jefferson Hope gets caught for his wrong doings and he confesses everything and why he killed them. These journeys of killing for revenge and finding the killer worked hand in hand perfectly because both show a journey of truth. Ive done my work now, and I dont care how soon I go, but I should like to leave some account of the business behind me. I dont want to be remembered as a common cut-throat. (Doyle, 77). We first begin with Sherlock Holmes doing his usual investigation and we as the reader wants the killer to be caught. After we see the killers journey unfold, we feel sympathetic towards the killer because we know what he has been through. After we see his journey we are lead back to the capturing of the killer and the reader is left to wonder if killing was the correct route to take. To conclude, the motivation for journeys between these four pieces of literature change throughout the time periods. In The Odyssey by Homer the motivation for the journey during Greek times was to achieve fame and glory through their polis. This is proven by Odysseus overcoming obstacles throughout the epic. In The Inferno by Dante the motivation for his journey during the Medieval period was to show that there is one God that is very powerful and God should be feared because of symbolic retribution as well as loved because he makes the ultimate decision after death. In Candide by Voltaire the motivation of the journey in the Era of Enlightenment was to find the perfect place where you could be satisfied with life even if hard work and a long journey are involved. Lastly, in A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle the motivation of the journey for the Age of Empiricism is to find your own truth but there are always consequences in truth.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Lottery :: essays research papers
'The Lottery,'; written by Shirley Jackson is a story that takes place in a small town of approximately three hundred residents. Every year on June 27th the townspeople congregate in a giant mass in the middle of town, where the 'lottery'; takes place. This lottery is a ceremony in which each family throughout the town is represented by a tiny white piece of paper. The family representatives, who are the heads of the household, take turns drawing from a box that contains these three hundred pieces of papers. On one of the pieces of paper there is located a black dot, marked the previous night by Mr. Summers. This black dot indicates the 'winner'; of the lottery. The lottery is a ritual that has been around for years and years and it has developed into a way of life for the people of the town. When June comes rolling along everyone is anticipating the lottery. Kids fill their pockets full of rocks and plans are discussed about making a new box. They can not wait to attend and finally get it over with. This drawing seems to transform the people. Tension builds before the lottery occurs, but the townspeople are still able to joke with one another. Tension increases in the story when the author, Shirley Jackson, implies to the reader that Mr. Hutchinson has drawn the marked paper. We assume he does because he walks up on to the stage with his family and they are then made to draw again from the worn out black box. Mr. Hutchinson reaches his hand in and grabs out a piece with his children and his wife following in succession. The one that holds the winning ticket is Mrs. Hutchinson. We learn throughout the story that the power and traditional aspect of the lottery has slowly diminished. In the case of Mrs. Hutchinson, '';Clean forgot what day it was.''; The lottery had been present within the neighboring towns; however, the lottery had been ended. The people of the town believed that the box represented tradition and therefore were reluctant to make another one. This box is representative of the lottery in that they have both worn down and are in need of change.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reaction Paper of Three Idiots Essay
A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI in the United States is defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as â€Å"a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for market of consumer goods and services.†Captioned Media: Literacy Support for Diverse Learners By: National Center for Technology Innovation and Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) (2010) Captioned or subtitled media is a great tool for teachers looking to differentiate classroom instruction  research has shown that ELLs, students with learning disabilities, and students who struggle academically may all benefit from following along with captions while watching a classroom video. Learn more about the benefits of captioned media and additional resources for captioned material in this article. Assistive Technology 101 By: Family Center on Technology and Disability (2010) Assistive technology is any kind of technology that can be used to enhance the functional independence of a person with a disability. Learn more about Assistive Technology and ways your students might benefit from it. Assistive Technology and the IEP By: Family Center on Technology and Disability (2010) Assistive Technology Glossary By: Family Center on Technology and Disability (2010) It is important for parents to understand the â€Å"language†of assistive technology so they can be informed advocates for their child’s technology needs. The following glossary of terms can help parents learn about the kinds of assistive technologies that are currently available and how they can be used. Digital Storytelling: Extending the Potential for Struggling Writers By: Ruth Sylvester and Wendy-lou Greenidge (2009) While some young writers may struggle with traditional literacy, tapping into new literacies like digital storytelling may boost motivation and scaffold understanding of traditional literacies. Three types of struggling writers are introduced followed by descriptions of ways digital storytelling can support their development. Being a student in Education Major in Social Science, the Field Study is part of our life. Every time that I entered in my Cooperating School I really feel the happiness and excitement to myself because I know that Field Study is another step to become a professional Teacher. During my first day in Manila High School (MHS) I met Mrs. Magalong the OIC, Mrs. Melania Vitan the Department Head of Social Science and Of course the different teachers in Social Science. All of them are Good, Humble, Approachable and Hospitable persons. I met also Mr.Luisito Paltoub, my Critic Teacher, at first I feel shy because it is the first time that I saw him and I feel uncomfortable too but later on I saw that he is a kind person and he gave his schedule and the sections that he handle for Monday and Thursday. In November 20.2012 is my first observation inside the room and I encountered and socialize with different students with different characteristics and I enjoyed being observer because I adopt and learned a lot of Teaching Strategies and I saw how hard to handle the students in lowest section because each of them has their own monkey business and did not participate in the discussion but the teacher didn’t give up, Mr.Paltoub and his Student Teacher try their best to give them the best Education because the teachers ‘ responsibility is to further develop the learners knowledge,skills,talents and attitude to face different situations in life. The teacher became effective if he is enables all learners to relate the different school experiences to their lives and that is the strategies of Mr.Paltoub and I admire him because of his strategies. Manila High School, also conduct an activities like Foundation Day, Program and Demonstration that can help the learners to become more sociable and to become knowledgeable. The best thing that I cannot forget in MHS is my observation in Division Demo of Mrs.Obias because it is very interesting and meaningful demonstration that I’ve ever seen. In my staying here in Manila High School I feel the fulfillment and satisfaction in myself because I have a lot of good experience in my observation in my Cooperating School. In terms of Facilities, the Manila High School is lack of facilities like in the library not all books are available , the classroom is not well ventilated and the sound system are not all available but the Manager or the Principal supervise the school facilities and she procure equipment and materials needed for effective learning. The Principal also plan for the improvement of school facilities and physical plants. I can say that the Manila High School is my ideal school for my Practice Teaching in the future.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Discrimination in US Judicial system
America judicial system has been accused of discrimination especially when it comes to mandatory sentences. There has been a serious disparity as far as sentences are concerned with some groups seemingly being favored by the law while others have been treated harshly. This state of affair is sad for this country as it seems to divide the country in classes especially on racial basis. The minority groups, the African American, Latinos and women have been seriously affected making human rights groups to agitate for the change of laws to apply equally among all the groups.These inequalities in the application of the laws seem to be retrogressive as far as our endeavor to make America an all equal country is concerned. The judicial system seems to be applying the law unfairly making some feel less American than others. This does not auger well for the national cohesion as the disadvantaged group may feel that this is an attempt to sideline them on various lines and they may opt to solve the problem in whatever means available to them including violence therefore affecting the America stability.These disparities not only affect the guilty but also the innocent who are harshly sentenced for the crimes they did not commit. (Kinzie, M 2002) This may be detrimental for the fight against crime. If we continue punishing so harshly and furthermore seem to discriminate, the crime rates will only rise as people especially those who are directly or indirectly affected by this discrimination in justice register their dissatisfaction on the unfair treatment opting to use violence. To fully address the disparities in sentencing in our judicial system, causes of this unfair treatment by our system need to be addressed carefully.Police Department which is charged with the role of apprehending the law offenders has been identified as on of the areas where the discrimination is so rampant. Many Americans have reported being searched or even arrested for the crimes the have not commi tted only because they had a different color or spoke with a different accent from that of the arresting officer. I t is the police who arrest and align the suspected law breakers to the court. I f they are biased in terms of race or other aspects the suspects may not feel that they will receive a fair treatment.The treatment may further be extended to the sentencing itself, therefore making the victims lose confidence on our judicial system. (Jeremy, K. 2004) Human rights groups have reported that there have been more arrests as far as minority groups are concerned. This has created a perception that the minorities commit crime than their white counterparts, this perception has even been extended to our judicial system with our judges being biased when a case involving a person from a minority, instead of looking critically at the facts laid down the issue of race clouds the system making him or her rule a harsh treatment.We may not entirely blame the police and the judges alone fo r the unfair treatment of the subject but our law system have failed to address the issues at hand. The laws seem to be biased from the word go and this perhaps is where the problem lies. Judges base their sentences on the law; the law prescribes a certain punishment on a particular crime committed. There are some of the laws that seem to be lenient on some offenders. Althugh this may not be directly proved there exists some disparities as far as sentences prescribed are concerned.Looking at the punishment through a social perspective one may not fail to notice that there is some form of discrimination of certain groups. A good case at hand is the issue of drugs, cocaine is one of the drugs that is abused by Americans of all walks of lives be they poor, rich, black, white and Latinos. Surprisingly the sentences prescribed differ when it comes to the type of cocaine in question. There are two types of coaine; the powdered form and the crack which is cooked in baking soda. Crack is ma inly used by the black and the Latinos populations while the powdered cocaine is mainly consumed by the rich whites.When the congress was passing this law on drug abuse there was a wrong indication that crack was more addictive than the powdered form and it resulted to more violent among its users therefore heavy punishment for its users as opposed to powder users who got lesser sentences. This law based on this argument, though good to deter the drug users have not addressed the issue at hand as it has been accused of discriminating on the lines of race and social classes. (Wolf, D 2006) American society can also be largely blame for the state of affairs that prevail in our judicial system.The laws are made by our representatives whom we elect, therefore the law makers represents our views and if we do not agree with them there are channels of addressing the issue. Our society is molded in such a way that segregation in terms of race class and other aspects is embraced therefore ou r judicial system just reflect who we are as a society. This does not mean that the status quo must prevail,we should embrace a situation where all are treated equally regardless of the race, creed or even the social class one occupies.This calls for the sensitizing of the masses on the need to look at each other as either brother or sister. This will go along way in creating equality in the society which will eventually been reflected in our laws hence implementation by our judiciary system. ( Hurst, C. 2001) Judicial department has a great role as long as equality in law is concerned, this department is mandated to interpret the law made by our legislators and if they seem to contravene the supreme constitution of our land the department has a responsibility of quashing these laws and advise the lawmakers on the shortcomings of these legislations.The laws which are discriminative in nature not only cause a great division in this nation but also cause great suffering to the victims as they are subjected to harsh treatment sometimes for the crimes they may have not committed but due to their inability to hire competent lawyers they fail to defend themselves therefore being punished. The judicial department should ensure that the judges who handle cases where discrimination may be cited are competent individual and have no history of racial prejudice.The department needs to empower the judges with skills that will ensure they handle such type of cases with seriousness they deserve as it is only through this way that our judicial system will be seen to serve all equally regardless of their race, creed or even the social status they hold in the society. Selection of juries is another area that needs to handled with a lot of caution some of them may be compromised to vote on a certain way which promotes the already existing disparity .The judiciary should make sure that men and women who are selected in the jury are people of high integrity, those who are not bias ed and show high respect for the all people regardless of diversity. Judges need to set precedent on application of the law equally, precedence that should be authoritative such that the whole system will adopt to ensure all who are brought before them are treated with fairness as required by the natural justice and our constitution as well.The judicial department needs to ensure that systems are in place for those who feel they have been discriminated to register their complaints and the necessary remedies taken. The appellate court should be fully empowered to address this issue comprehensively and in a manner that all will be satisfied and justice will have prevailed in such systems. (Murray, F 2003) With the responsibility of interpreting the laws being vested on this department by our constitution.The judicial system should uphold this responsibility and advise the congress to look at all those laws which seem to apply selectively. These laws need to be changed without deviatin g from their initial course of making them, which was to fight crime. They should be applied equally to all. We should not have some groups being treated leniently yet the magnitude of the crime is the same. The judiciary system can save this nation from the agony of going through another era of discrimination in our society.If it upholds the responsibility bestowed by the citizens of America through the constitution it can cement the gains we have so far made as far as eliminating segregations in our community is concerned. Criminals need to be treated equally and fairly, no one should receive punishment which is not equivalent to the crime committed neither should be there lesser punishment for a crime committed. It is only fair application of justice that this department will be viewed in the lenses of equalizing all the America as far as law is concerned. The department cannot accept failing as this will be doom for America as a nation. References Kinzie, M (2002) Product liability and litigation. Clifton Park, Newyork. Jeremy, K. (2004) Discrimination in our laws. American perspective. Straus and Graux.Newyork Wolf, D (2006) Law and the racial politics. Harper Collins, Newyork. Hurst, C. (2001) Crime and the law: social perspective.W.W.Norta, Newyork. Murray, F (2003) American judicial system. Sierra club books, Sanfrancisco
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Comparitive Policing essays
Comparitive Policing essays Singapore is a country located in South-East Asia, it is an island between Malaysia and Indonesia with a population of approximately 3,490,356. There are four official languages used in Singapore, these being Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English. Singapore is a Republic within the Commonwealth and gained its independence from Malaysia on the 9th of August 1965. It is a modern democracy with a unicameral parliament, having a president as the head of state. The government holds both an Executive and Legislative branch. The Executive branch consist of a chief of state: President ONG Teng Cheong (since 1 September 1993), head of government: Prime Minister GOH Chok Tong and Deputy Prime Ministers LEE Hsien Loong and Tony TAN Keng Yam. The President appoints the Cabinet, they are responsible to the Parliament. Elections for president are by popular vote and office is held for a six-year term. Following legislative elections, the leader of the majority party or the leader of a majority coalition is usually appointed Prime Minister by the President so to are the deputy Prime Ministers. The Legislative branch is a unicameral Parliament for which members are elected by popular vote to serve five-year terms. There are five major political parties in Singapore, however, the Peoples Action Party (PAP) have been in power since Singapores independence. No other parties have yet won an election in Singapore. A number of strategies involving the civil legal processes (bankruptcy and libel) have been used to ensure that the opposition parties have remained ineffective. The Countrys Police force has come a long way since its foundation in 1819. The Singapore Police Force (SPF) can be compared to a State Police service within Australia, the total strength of the SPF is around 7,000 personnel. Policing in Singapore is based on the support and trust of the public as the heart of the SPF is its community Policing role. It relies ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Life for Blacks-Civil War essays
Life for Blacks-Civil War essays Life for African Americans after the Civil War was filled with joy and fear. As being former slaves, some had learned to expect hostility from white people and they did not presume it would instantly disappear. Even though the slaves were free, it was not a just freedom. African Americans faced racial segregation, discrimination, and extremely limited rights. The southern whites wanted to define control of blacks. They thought blacks were predestined to work as agricultural laborers. The black codes were created to give blacks certain rights, but it was under white conditions, so it ultimately hindered former slaves. Blacks search for independence was a long and seemingly lonely road. Many black people wanted to minimize contact with whites because there was a prejudice against them that would take many years to get over. To avoid contact with overbearing whites who were used to supervising them, blacks abandoned the slave quarters and fanned out to distant corners of the land they worked. Some rural dwellers established small all-black settlements that still exist today along the back roads of the South. Blacks felt they needed to be independent because whites would not welcome them with open arms to their communities. In some parts of the country, in order for a black man to enter a town, they had to have a note allowing it. This was clearly still a form of slavery. In addition to a fair employer, what freed men and women most wanted was the ownership of land. Land represented their chance to farm fro themselves, to enjoy the independence that self-sufficient farmers value, rather than working as a slave. It represented compensation for generations of travail in bondage. Everywhere, blacks young and old thirsted for homes of their own. But of course, most members of both political parties opposed genuine land redistribution and showed little sympathy for black aspirations. Northern ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Jane Eyre Essay
Jane Eyre Essay Jane Eyre Essay Jane Eyre Essay Writing a Jane Eyre essay you have several options. For example, you can write about the famous book written by Jane Eyre or explore the biographical essays about her life. Please take a look at the below sample essay on Jane Eyre. If you want to write a unique Jane Eyre essay, you may look through our essay writing tips. If you are interested in individual essay writing help, try our professional essay custom writing services. Our help is affordable and we guarantee timely revisions. Our essay writers are experienced in essay writing and can handle any project. Jane Eyre Essay Sample 'Shirley' failed to please Lewes, who was expecting another 'Pride and Prejudice.' To his flippant criticism Charlotte Bronte replied cavalierly, and became herself once more. 'Villette' has never been quite so popular as 'Jane Eyre,' for its scenes are not English, and to the critic its mechanism is crude and amateurish. Its main situation is a reproduction of that in 'Jane Eyre,' with a new setting and new incidents. The obstacle that kept Jane Eyre and Rochester apart was difference in social position; that between Lucy Snowe and Paul Emanuel is religion. In 'Jane Eyre,' society was viewed from the standpoint of a governess; in 'Villette,' as it appears to a school-teacher who has some difficulty in managing her pupils. In her first novel Charlotte Bronte's style was wildly, glowingly Celtic; in 'Shirley' it was rhetorical; in 'Villette' it is more subdued in tone, and rendered more intense and compact by brief and forcible metaphor. This change in style has its correlative in dee per and more intense feeling. The defiance of 'Jane Eyre' has exhausted itself and settled into despair. States of mind are now subtly analyzed that verge upon madness. The debits and the credits in the account of life are reckoned up, and the books will not balance, for there is so little to be set over against pain and grief. We have in Charlotte Bronte a realist of the feelings, trailing, however, the bright colors of romanticism. Her descriptions of the outside of things, of men and manners, we have not much dwelt upon, for the reason that they proceeded so often from prejudice and incomplete knowledge. Roman Catholics and Methodists, the patrons of boarding-schools, and English and French girls, we cannot believe were as she saw them. At any rate, her significance in the course of fiction is that she delineated the intense moods of her own heart and imagination, which have their rapport in the moods of the race. In 'Jane Eyre' and 'Villette,' photography of manners has passed i nto that inner photography which Trollope lamented as an art beyond his power of vision. The next epoch-making step in internal realism was taken by George Eliot, when she dealt with states of conscience and feeling psychologically, arranging and defining them with an attempt at scientific precision. Jane Eyre Essay Writing Service The above sample has one strong disadvantage – it is not tailored to your specific requirements and topic details. If you want to get an original essay written from scratch in accordance to your specific instructions, try our custom essay writing service. We are devoted to your academic success and will not reject your order at the last minute before deadline!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Writing Position paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Writing Position paper - Assignment Example Technically, Puget Sound is the area of water east of Admiralty Inlet where the ocean comes along the Pacific Coast providing ports for ocean transportation in cities such as Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, Washington ( However, Puget Sound also refers to the inland port cities and towns. The Puget Sound inland area has one of the worst traffic congestion problems in the nation. In fact, drivers in this area are in the top third in terms of time lost due to waiting in traffic. This is not a list a region wants to top. Adding to the challenge is the fact that the Puget Sound area has had a large increase in population and the highest unemployment rate the area has seen in years. This means that traffic occurs at all hours, not just the traditional rush hours as one would expect (Cole, 2000). If the government officials of Puget Sound would allow the development of toll roads in the area, this would greatly reduce the amount of traffic congestion in the area. The Puget Sound’s current transportation network of roads and highways was built in the 1960’s. The population of the area is now 60% higher than it was when the roads were built. There has been little change over the years to keep up with the demand of more drivers on the road (Washington Policy Center, 2011). This is obviously the major reason that traffic gridlock is such an issue. Too many people, not enough room on the roads and not enough roads to drive on pretty much sums of the problem of the traffic in Puget Sound. Aware that the level of traffic congestion in the Puget Sound area is a real problem, the Puget Sound Regional Council, took on the project of developing a transportation plan to analyze how best to address the traffic issues. The issues that the planners faced are funding, how best to expand the current
Friday, October 18, 2019
To what extent did women enjoy political religious and social power in Essay
To what extent did women enjoy political religious and social power in archaic Rome - Essay Example Because layer upon layer of building has occurred in the area in and around Rome, it is impossible to form a complete record from the archaeology, but nonetheless there is sufficient evidence to draw some conclusions about the way that people lived in Rome in this very early period. This paper focuses on the extent to which women in particular enjoyed power in archaic Rome, looking at political, religious and social dimensions of power in turn. In each case a distinction is drawn between high status women, and low status women, because the experiences of each group is likely to have been very different. The origins of Rome are to be found in the migrations of the Latini tribe to Northern Italy from a region to the north and East around the river Danube. They settled in the area we now know as Latium. Other tribes in the area include the Etruscans, the Sabines, and various Greek-influenced groups to the south. This legend seems to have been passed down orally and it was recorded much later by the Roman historian Livy in his history of the city, a major work entitled Ab Urbe Condita Libri.1 The way that the early history is depicted, with a female wolf nursing twin baby boys sets up a number of interesting speculations about the role of women in that early society. Livy is very aware of the problematic and clearly mythical content of the founding story when he writes â€Å"The traditions of what happened prior to the foundation of the City or whilst it was being built, are more fitted to adorn the creations of the poet than the authentic records of the historian, and I have no intention of establishing either their truth or their falsehood.†2 Writing from a time when Roman society appeared to be heading for decline, in the first decade of the new millennium, Livy sees the past as a time of comparative glory, and it is no coincidence that he mentions the early Roman worship of the warlike God Mars as its most iconic feature: â€Å"Now if any nation ought to be allowed to claim a sacred origin and point back to a divine paternity that nation is Rome. For such is her renown in war that when she chooses to represent Mars as her own and her founder’s father, the nations of the world accept the statement with the same equanimity with which they accept her dominion.†3 Livy is an important source in terms of the way that later Romans wanted their past to be remembered, but his account must be read with care, since many of his ideas are shaped by a much later age, and a particular agenda to show the Romans and their past in a positive light. Women appear from time to time in the narrative, but they are usually incidental to the main story, and Livy’s bias against women is only too obvious. An important source of political power, in the origins of Rome, as in all early civilizations, is the network of family allegiances that comes about through marriage. Livy reports that the prehistoric origins of the Roman people came a bout because of an alliance between the Trojan super hero Aeneas, and the king of the Laurentian territory Latinus. This alliance may have come about due to a Latinus being defeated in battle, or due to the deference of Latinus before the supremacy of the Trojan warriors who had arrived in the local area intent on plunder. The key point that Livy stresses is the â€Å"
Universities and how they are funded PowerPoint Presentation
Universities and how they are funded - PowerPoint Presentation Example The same applies to several Master’s programmes for EU-EEA, Swiss and Finnish students. Erasmus Mundus programmes attract fees for non-EU students, but eligible to Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by application. In general European Union students have the same rights in another EU State. Thus, European Union citizens are involuntarily entitled to education in other European Union’s member states: therefore should not be paying more tuition fees and they must always be able to access a residence permit. Despite European Union financial crisis, its government has managed to present multi annual financial framework for 2014 to 2020 to its Education system that proposes to increase education and training funds by 70%. This is equivalent to 17 billion Euros to support cooperation between institutions, transnational learning mobility, implementation of education policies in the Member States and modernization of education. Alzheimer Europe, 2009, August 21, â€Å"The four main approaches,†Retrieved July 5, 2012, from Alzheimer Europe:, M., Freeman, B., Butler, B. & Draper-Morris, J. (2010). A case study of science teacher candidates’ understandings and actions related to the culturally responsive teaching of ‘Other’ students. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education , 5 (3),
The Creative Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
The Creative - Assignment Example This product is portable and would promote the integration of technology and enable access to the hotel services through an electronic device (Nyheim, McFadden & Connolly, 2005). It would allow the customer the customer to manage the hotel services before arrival, upon arrival and within the booked room. The product targets different segments of the market such as the hotel industry and home movers. The company will differentiate prices according to the needs of different target markets. However, the product will face competition from companies that offer tour travels, apps that enable the customers to book a hotel in advance. On the contrary, due to the numerous advantages the device brings, it will overcome the challenges. HosTech will need to engage in extensive advertising and promotion activities. The promotion will be through social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, blogs and Company website. The messages will market the product and more so, it will act as a platform to encourage customer loyalty by involving them in open discussion forums about the MRD. Furthermore, the message acts as a marketing tool to ensure the customers that the product is high-end and does there is no cuurent technology to beat
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Construction Contract Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Construction Contract Law - Case Study Example These set of laws preside over the operation of government and safeguards the rights of individuals. As such, it is the very system of a well organised society. This essay will examine the importance of Alternative Dispute Resolution in resolving and expediting cases between and among the parties. In order to shed light to this, the case of Burchell v. Mr. and Mrs. Bullard will be used along with relevant provisions of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act of 1996, The Woolf Report, Pre-Action Protocol for the Construction and Engineering Disputes and other current and relevant materials to Alternative Dispute Resolution and Construction Contract Law. Among the difficulties encountered in forming this paper was that due to the relatively new case of Burchell, materials used for this paper are limited to current case laws and articles which relates to the case. In the instant case, Mr Burchell, the claimant, had agreed to build two large extensions to the home of Mr and Mrs Bullard, the defendants, for which he was to be paid in four stages, as stated in their agreement. The Spouses Bullard refused to make the third stage payment, amounting to 13,540.99 and find fault about the work that had been done. The claimant's solicitors initially wrote to the defendants suggesting that the matter be referred for an Alternative Dispute Resolution through "a qualified construction mediator". Subsequently, this approach was discarded by the defendant's surveyor on the grounds that the matters complained of are technically complex, and as such mediation is inappropriate to settle the issue in the case. The claimant claimed 18,318.45. The defendants responded by counterclaiming 100,815.34 and further damages which were then not fully particularised. The claimant then brought a Part 20 claim against a sub-contractor in relation to the roofing works. There were no payments into Court and no Part 36 Offers made. At first instance the Court rendered judgment in favour of the claimant on his claim and awarded him 18,327.04 but likewise gave judgment in favour of the defendants on the counterclaim in the amount of 14,373.15. The result was that the defendants had to pay the claimant the difference, which with interest and VAT came to only 5,025.63. The claimant was awarded 79.50 on his counterclaim against the sub-contractor. The defendants were ordered to pay the claimant's costs of the claim and in turn, the claimant was ordered to pay the defendant's costs of the counterclaim. The claimant was also ordered to pay the Part 20 defendant's costs on the basis that the Part 20 defendant had only had 79.50 awarded against him and had made offers to settle from the beginning. The claimant appealed the costs award and made a further proposal for mediation, requesting the defendants to submit to the Court of Appeal scheme. The defendants, thereafter responded in the negative stating that they did not consider that this would be either "necessary or appropriate". In determining whether the circumstances of the case justified a departure from the general
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Cadbury Schweppes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Cadbury Schweppes - Essay Example Aside from pivoting around these two elements, its responsible role is backed by CSR vision and strategy. Additionally, Cadbury Schweppes responsible role comes from the systems it has in place along with the company's pledge to live by its values. Through these steps the company strives to promote a brand that people love.1 The idea of promoting a brand that people love is fuelled by the idea that the more people love the brand, the more likely it is for Cadbury Schweppes to retain their position and do even better. In order to promote a brand that people love, the company listens to what people want. The company also learns from its past experiences with products that people easily take to. Through this simple process, Cadbury Schweppes has managed to successfully launch many products in the global market, as they know what people want.2 Acting responsibly is one aspect that Cadbury Schweppes continues to emphasize on. This aspect has permitted the company to place great value on its shareowners. This has allowed the company to put further thought into its CSR strategy that has Five Pillars. These include: Cadbury Schweppes continues to renew its commitments towards responsible growth of its business. Renewed commitments allows the company to be prepared for future CSR journey, which is termed as the company's 'Goals and Commitments on Sustainability.' Cadbury Schweppes has goals set for each of its Five Pillars for CSR strategy that is in sync with its approach to sustainability.3 The Problem Cadbury Faces Currently: Until recently, Cadbury Schweppes had little problem with its reputation. However, in June 2006, questions were raised regarding the ethical standards and social responsibility that the company preached for so long. According to the health department, Cadbury Schweppes has circulated stock that was contaminated4. This was discovered because of few cases of food poisoning that were traced back to Cadbury Schweppes. It was discovered that there was a leaking waste pipe that dripped some contaminants into Cadbury Schweppes' chocolate fudge. This is one of the ingredients used in many Cadbury products. After the investigation, it was determined that Cadbury Schweppes stood to lose 20 m because they had to recall the stock that was affected by the contamination5. Aside from the financial loss, there is also a risk of the company losing the trust of many customers. A Strategy to Counter Cadbury's Contamination Issue: Given that there are other top companies in the market today that have suffered breakdowns in ethical procedures, Cadbury Schweppes can recover from its position. It must be remembered that there are two things that Cadbury Schweppes stands to lose with its contamination issue; 20 m in circulated stock, and the trust of its customers. By already delaying recalling this circulated stock Cadbury has done itself damage. The strategy that Cadbury needs to adopt is: saving the company from long-term damage.6 Strategy Implementation: In order to save itself from long-term damage, Cadbury Schweppes
Construction Contract Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Construction Contract Law - Case Study Example These set of laws preside over the operation of government and safeguards the rights of individuals. As such, it is the very system of a well organised society. This essay will examine the importance of Alternative Dispute Resolution in resolving and expediting cases between and among the parties. In order to shed light to this, the case of Burchell v. Mr. and Mrs. Bullard will be used along with relevant provisions of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act of 1996, The Woolf Report, Pre-Action Protocol for the Construction and Engineering Disputes and other current and relevant materials to Alternative Dispute Resolution and Construction Contract Law. Among the difficulties encountered in forming this paper was that due to the relatively new case of Burchell, materials used for this paper are limited to current case laws and articles which relates to the case. In the instant case, Mr Burchell, the claimant, had agreed to build two large extensions to the home of Mr and Mrs Bullard, the defendants, for which he was to be paid in four stages, as stated in their agreement. The Spouses Bullard refused to make the third stage payment, amounting to 13,540.99 and find fault about the work that had been done. The claimant's solicitors initially wrote to the defendants suggesting that the matter be referred for an Alternative Dispute Resolution through "a qualified construction mediator". Subsequently, this approach was discarded by the defendant's surveyor on the grounds that the matters complained of are technically complex, and as such mediation is inappropriate to settle the issue in the case. The claimant claimed 18,318.45. The defendants responded by counterclaiming 100,815.34 and further damages which were then not fully particularised. The claimant then brought a Part 20 claim against a sub-contractor in relation to the roofing works. There were no payments into Court and no Part 36 Offers made. At first instance the Court rendered judgment in favour of the claimant on his claim and awarded him 18,327.04 but likewise gave judgment in favour of the defendants on the counterclaim in the amount of 14,373.15. The result was that the defendants had to pay the claimant the difference, which with interest and VAT came to only 5,025.63. The claimant was awarded 79.50 on his counterclaim against the sub-contractor. The defendants were ordered to pay the claimant's costs of the claim and in turn, the claimant was ordered to pay the defendant's costs of the counterclaim. The claimant was also ordered to pay the Part 20 defendant's costs on the basis that the Part 20 defendant had only had 79.50 awarded against him and had made offers to settle from the beginning. The claimant appealed the costs award and made a further proposal for mediation, requesting the defendants to submit to the Court of Appeal scheme. The defendants, thereafter responded in the negative stating that they did not consider that this would be either "necessary or appropriate". In determining whether the circumstances of the case justified a departure from the general
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Gender Strategies Essay Example for Free
Gender Strategies Essay Gender strategies refer to a literary strategy and a manner of analyzing literary works. As a strategy, gender strategies pertain to the infusion of differing gender expectations and roles given a patriarchal social context. Men hold a higher position relative to women. This also extends to hints of feminism with literary works showing the efforts made by women to attain defy the patriarchal system and achieve equal status with men or women characters placed in positions of power. As an analytical tool, gender strategies refer to the differentiation between masculine and feminine character traits. The differences in the perspectives of men and women develop with the influence of culture. This also considers the way that the image of women in the literary work captures the difficulties in living in a patriarchal society and the challenges to attain equality. Another line of analysis is by expanding literary themes beyond the male and female to consider the homosexual perspective represented by literary works. (Meyer, 2002) Gender strategies worked in the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (Shakespeare, 1997). Patriarchal belief and male dominance is one defining theme of the play. Egeus used the law compelling daughters to marry the man chosen by their fathers with refusal punishable by death to force Hermia, his daughter, to marry Demetrius, the man that Egeus wants his daughter to marry. There was also a hint of feminism, with Hermia defying her father and the law by eloping with Lysander. Titania, the queen of the fairies, also holds an equal position with Oberon, the king of fairies by refusing to agree to make her Indian changeling a knight of Oberon. In analyzing the play, the patriarchy experienced by the characters reflects on the Athenian culture that gives men higher status than women do. The male characters, Egeus and Oberon, make the decision and enforce these decisions on the women characters. The women characters, Hermia and even the fairy queen Titania, suffered difficulties in resisting the dominant male characters. References Meyer, M. (2002). The Bedford introduction to literature (6th ed. ). New York: St. Martins Press. Shakespeare, W. (1997). A midsummer nights dream. In G. Blakemore-Evans J. J. M. Tobin (Eds. ), The riverside Shakespeare (pp. 256-283). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Operations Management in Business WH Smith Analysis
Operations Management in Business WH Smith Analysis WH Smith Introduction WH Smith was first created by Smith Family in 1792 as a newsagent, in then became the company with the name â€Å"WH Smith†in 1828 and launched the website in 1999. This success fully growing company opened many stores in Rails stations, High Streets, Shopping Centers and gradually lost its profit of  £135m. The arrival of Kate Swann made WH Smith to run as the profitable company in a decade. The success of her achievement is based on how she organized and worked towards her goal. Throughout this report there are many explanations related to WH Smith’s success using operation management skills by Kate Swann. Task 1 Operation is the key part of the business which produces goods and services. It involves in planning organizing, controlling an organization operations. Organization without a planning will never be able to success in its business. According to the scenario, the success of profit is based on the Operation Management, which involves a complex set of management activities involved in planning how they wanted to improve their sales organizing leading, by cutting the costs. Kate Swann managed to achieve the target of turning WH Smith into a profitable company by taking into account of the operational management. Following the principles of operation management in an organization will help the company to reduce the cost of products and services and also in the mean time it will help to increase the customer’s satisfaction towards the product quality and the services. As the operations function is responsible in goods and services, it is important to support the input and output to be delivered on time scale. Various input such as capital, labor, and information should be measured in order to obtain desired outputs. The role of operation management is to improve productivity which will help to improve the organizations financial and also to meet customer’s competitive priorities. In the scenario it shows that Swann has targeted the teenagers and as well as young women for stationeries this make the targeted users to be satisfied as well increase the sales in WH Smith. The key elements of Operation managements are known as Business logic, System theory. Kate Swann has understood the business logic in how to increase the profit for WH Smith. She understood how to target the customers and increase the profitable margin. In her success we can see that she has cut the cost persistently which is one of the element in business logic. Applying system theory to a business helps to find out how the environment impacts business process. According to the report of â€Å"Our Quality Commitments to Our Customers†in WH Smith website it clearly says that WH Smith is responsible to fulfill the minimum standards required by the law. If WH Smith reduces the standards and quality towards their customers due the cost effective they might not be able to success in our goal. For example Funky Pigeon greeting card shop which was open online is a best known website because customers get best services. Even though it was introduced to the market 2 years ago it has been famous. The reason behind this is their quality and services that they have been giving to their customers so far. The customers get the opportunity to choose their cards with uploading their own pictures and also the cards ordered by the customers are delivered very next day to their required address. This will impress the customers and make them come back. The online strategy objective of WH Smith is to launch the Funky Pigeon which sells greeting cards, personalized gifts and cards according to the customers need. The products that are sold in this website are very quality as well as cost effective. The services given to the customers are very dependability as funky pigeon is a fastest delivery service. It has the next day delivery services for their customers. More customers may prefer to visit their website as they are not limited by options in cards. The customers got the verity of option in choosing cards. As funky pigeon allows the option of personalizing the gifts or cards the customers may be satisfied in choosing any of the products from them. System is known as the collection of parts which can function independently for the success of the common purpose. For example, System contains the Input – Process- Output in an organization. It is essential that all the collection part in a system work collaborate for a company to be successful. WH Smith should follow each parts as Input and Process and output to make their company to run in organize planning and control and to be on right track Sub-system is known as the complex collections of many Systems in order to achieve the common purpose. In other words it contains many Input many process and many output to achieve the goal of the company. WH Smith may contain many system and sub-system diagram for the organization. Following diagram shows the system function in WH Smith. Task 2 Strategic planning is an organizational management activity which helps to set priorities, strengthen operations, and to ensure that employees work towards the goals to achieve success. An effective strategic planning articulates not only where and what actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it successful. In order to implement success strategic planning need to follow the performance of operational management. Operational management is essential for all organizations. The strategic planning mostly deals with activities of any business organizations such as operations, sales, finance concerned with different level managers. Operational management is focused with the production / services provider level of organizations. There are three stages of strategic planning. They are known as Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness. To achieve the profit margin Swann has introduced the stationeries targeting the teenagers and young women. WH Smith started to sell stationer ies and sweets at the checkouts. This is a good example that Swann has used one of the strategic planning elements known as Economy. As it is essential assign that right resources has been used at the right time at the right place and right cost which a management should consider in business objectives. In other hand WH Smith has the big online strategy Funky Pigeon where they work in very cost effective. â€Å"Swann announced she was pulling out of selling music and DVDs†, she has compared the market and in order to increase the profit margins. And the comparison stores such as HMV thinks that it’s brave. As she consider the Efficiency, she has compared the performance target she kept to increase the profit of WH Smith. Even though WH Smith has its high street retail it has target the online retailers by introducing Funky Pigeon card site. Effectiveness is determined by examining the objectives and achievement of a company. WH Smith was been losing by 135m due to Swan n’s strong operational management the company has turn into profit of  £106m. Quality is very important for an organization. An example of good quality product with less cost is when a customer who consumes the product and services has nothing or less to complain about the product. In the scenario it says â€Å"WH Smith now sells roughly  £65 of goods for every  £100 of custom†the success is they have carefully reviews the objectives. WH Smith has to review the existing products carefully in order to compare the function of the product required by the customer, who demands them in lower cost. Kate Swann has carefully reviewed and decided that selling of Music and DVD’s are not profitable and not worth of reducing cost. So she completely stopped selling DVD’s and started introducing new ideas on selling new products in WH Smith. They target certain age group to boost their sales. As we can see in the scenario that it says the teenagers and the young woman have been aimed for stationeries. What Kate Swann has done leads WH Smith for its success. Following the performance objective it helps to add value to the customers in delivering quality products or services. The Quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and the cost may defer as performance objectives. Quality services as known as error-free services. There may be no any complains about the product satisfaction. This can be improved by getting customers feedbacks. For example if we take WH Smith the quality can defer as the store cleanliness, an appropriate and attractive outlet and also very friendly and helpful staff so the customer may like to visit the store often. It also includes the goods conditions. As we see WH Smith has a big online strategy Funky Pigeon card site. If they fail to deliver their customers goods on time, they may have bad viewpoint against their services and none of the customers like to continue doing shopping with them. When we look at the WH Smith store it all depends on a customer asking for a product or services and getting it to them, in a nother word satisfactory of their shopping in WH Smith. As we see in the scenario it says that Swann plans to open more shops which are stuffed with stock and screaming promotional banners. This is a role of operational management to achieve as it’s based on dependability. It increases the product or service in the market. WH Smith has sold stationary targeting the teenagers and young women and they also started to display sweets at the checkout make customers to purchase them. If they have not been flexible in introducing new lines to their sales they will not be able to achieve success in their business. Swann also cuts down the cost in order to boost her profit margins. These are the importance five performance objectives that underpin operation managements. Task 3 For a good operational planning is very important, this will lead the organizations to know what they have to do next, in order to deliver best services to the customer’s demand. Planning and controlling related to each other. It is essential to consider these methods in an organization like WH Smith as they helps for the effective outcome. Planning helps what to do and when to do in other hand controlling involves making sure that the plans are taken place. The planning and controlling involves cost estimation, work measurement, planning, routine concerns. Based on this scenario we can see that WH Smith has planned how to fulfill the needs of their customers. Kate Swann for example knew that young women and teenagers will purchase their stationeries and mean time the sweet has been display near the counter in order to promote it to their clients. If Kate Swann didn’t think of what customers normally demand, WH Smith may not be able to satisfy their customers. Linear program is a mathematical technique designed to help to plan and make decisions. This will help to maximize or minimize some quantities such as profits or cost. Liner program requires action on what to choose, where Kate Swann need to introduce displaying sweets near the checkout. One of the examples of WH Smith success in applying linear program in operational management is when Kate Swann stops selling music and DVDs to increase the profit margin. For renovating WH Smith shops there are certain tasks need to be planned. The following table is the tasks listed down for the shop renovation. D must follow A G must follow A and F H must follow A, C, D and F I must follow A, C and E J must follow A and D The above network diagram is an for an WH Smith renovation. WH Smith was running with lose until Swann take over to make it a profit. When we look into the operational outcomes we can see clearly that the WH Smith lose of  £135m turned into profit of  £106m. Another example of operational outcome is targeting of displaying sweets at the checkout and also selling stationery aiming teenagers and young women. Quality can defined by the process through which a business seeks to make sure that the product quality is maintained or improved meantime reduces the errors. It requires both management and employees make every effort for perfection. And according to the Scenario it sets an example Kate Swann stops selling music and DVDs and also the checkout assistants attempt to force-feed the chocolates displayed at the checkout areas. Without planning and controlling an organization will be hard to monitor. It is essential to follow the concepts of Operational management in order to achieve success in an organization. Kate Swann’s success is based on how she followed the operation management skills in order to bring the profit to a company which was running in loss. As Kate Swann follows these skill it states in the scenario that she has the ability to make a unpleasant shops to have profit business. Referencing Six Sigma, [Online], Available: Operations Management, fourth edition,[ Online], Available: The Guardian,[online], Available: Introduction of Operation Management, [Online], Available: Muhammed Akram Khan, Performance Auditing – The Three ‘E’s, [Online], Available: Operational Planning, Wikipedia, [Online], Available: Linear Programming, [Online], Available: Sree Rama Rao, (2009) Operational Planning and control decisions,[Online], Available: Quality management, Wikipedia, [Online], Available: WH Smith, About WH Smith, [Online],
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Gwenllian Princess of Wales :: European History
Gwenllian Princess of Wales Gwenllian was only a few months old when her father, Llywelyn the Last, was killed near Irfon Bridge on 11 December 1282. Her mother, Llywelyn's cousin, Eleanor de Montfort, died while giving birth to her in the palace of Pen-y-Bryn, in Abergwyngregyn near Bangor, Gwynedd on 12 June 1282. Llywelyn and Eleanor (the daughter of Simon de Monfort) were married in Worcester in 1278 following Eleanor's release at the end of a period of about three years as a prisoner of the English crown. Gwenllian was the only child of the marriage. There were no sons, therefore, to inherit the title of Prince of Wales, but as the daughter of Prince Llywelyn, Gwenllian was the heiress of the Princes of Gwynedd and the royal family of Aberffraw. She was the Princess of Wales and as a result represented considerable danger to the king of England. Were it not for their close family ties it is likely that the king would have arranged for her too to be killed. Instead, she was destined, upon the orders of Edward I, to spend the remainder of her life in a Gilbertine priory at Sempringham in Lincolnshire. Edward kept the title of 'Prince of Wales' for the crown, bestowing it upon his son Edward who was crowned in Caernarfon in 1301 aged 17 years. Sempringham was far from Wales, and the Gilbertine order was an English order led by a highly respected prior who was requested to take care of the Welsh princess for the princely sum of  £20 a year. Although the princess was cloistered at Sempringham to ensure her disappearance from the face of Welsh history, the king of England was not averse to using Gwenllian to his advantage as he saw fit. When Sempringham fell upon hard times the king wrote to the Pope requesting assistance, reminding him that the prior was the guardian of the daughter of Llywelyn, Prince of Wales. Gwenllian spent her life in the flat fenlands of eastern England rather than amongst the mountains of the land of her birth and, in all likelihood, she never knew the sounds of her native tongue. Throughout her time at the priory the English never succeeded in correctly pronouncing her name; she is listed as 'Wencilian' in the priory's records and it seems that she herself used the signature 'Wentliane'. According to the priory's records, Gwenllian, daughter of the Prince of Wales, died in 1337 having spent fifty-four years in the order.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Frankenstein Kickass Paper -- essays research papers
The daughter of an active feminist, Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley eloped with the famous poet Percy Bysshe Shelley at the age of 15, and after was continually and profoundly influenced by his words and writings. Her novel Frankenstein is named among the best written and most meaningful of the gothic works, and is one of the few still popularly read today. A precursor to the Romantic trend in art and intellect, gothic novels rejected of the precepts of order, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and late 18th-century Neoclassicism in particular. The gothic tradition grew out of disillusionment with the Enlightenment and 18th-century rationalism and physical materialism. Romanticism as a whole emphasized the individual, the irrational, the imaginative, the spontaneous, the emotional, and the transcendental. Shelley herself defines "gothic" as a story "which would speak to the mysterious fears of our Nature, and would awaken thrill ing horror--one to make the reader dread to look around, to curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart." By infusing moral and social concerns into the gothic style, Shelley achieves more than a simple horror story, however. The universal societal and psychoanalytical questions raised in Frankenstein secure its place in world literature and promise decades of similarly fashioned gothic writings. As stated above, the gothic genre developed as a harsh reaction to the predominant Neoclassic ideals of the time; the emphasis shifted from the whole to the solitary, and from society to nature. The "Graveyard Poets," one of whom is Thomas Gray, are attributed with having ushered in the new philosophy and are often termed "Pre-Romantics." Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" has all the elements of the gothic: graves, overtones of death, a rural setting, and a desire for return to a more simplistic, natural time. Simultaneously, Jean-Jacques Rousseau preached a similar creed which presented society as evil, and called for a "natural state of man." Shelley was schooled in both writers, and took their words to heart. In 1776 and 1789 Revolutions swept America and France, indicating that the Neoclassic ideals were not as stable as was previously thought. News of these ... ...; and "Fall of the House of Usher" and Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" use many gothic conventions and themes, such as the ominous tone, dream-like or surreal sequences, and warnings about interdependency and the manipulation of one's mind. The gothic novel revolves as part of the literary cycle, periodically returning for a brief period in the public's eye and then again disappearing into obscure circles of its few disciples. In this scientific age, the gothic is viewed as being overly sentimental, predictable, and implausible. As the ages change, readers, like Victor, are forced to "exchange chimeras of boundless grandeur" which the gothic inspires for "realities of little worth" (Shelley 46). The gothic, the fantastic, is a necessary balance for logic and reason as much as light is to dark, and good to evil. Without one, the other is undefined and therefore has no purpose in its existence. Frankenstein will live on as a brilliant insight into both the political environment of the 18th century and the eternal condition of man as an extension of nature.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Role of Financial Institutions and Markets
Technology, globalization, competition, and deregulation all have contributed to the revolution of worldwide financial markets and the creation of an efficient, internationally linked market. However, these developments have created potential problems (Brigham 1995: 111). As the worldwide financial crisis, which started in the early summer of 2007 in America and spread globally, still shapes the headlines of newspapers and the political agenda of developed countries. These recent economic developments drew back societies’ attention to the importance of the world economy and financial markets. A financial market is considered as â€Å"a market in which financial assets [..] can be purchased or sold†(Madura 2012: 3).Here, any kind of marketplace, where buyers and sellers participate in the trade of financial assets such as equities, bonds, currencies and derivatives, is meant. Mostly financial markets have transparent pricing, basic regulations on trading, costs and fees , and market forces that determine prices of securities that are traded. There are three relevant classifications of financial markets in the context of the financial crisis: money versus capital markets, primary versus secondary markets, and organized versus over-the counter markets (Madura 2012). The money versus capital market distinguishes in various points: The money market is only short- term oriented, a maturity of less than one year, and the trading objects are referred to as money market securities, which are debt securities.These have a â€Å"high degree of liquidity†and therefore offer a low return; however, they are less risky (Madura 2012: 5). In contrast, capital markets promote the sale of long-term securities, called capital market securities, which are most often bonds, mortgages and stocks. These are often bought with the intention of financing the purchase of capital assets such as buildings, equipment, or machinery. Capital market is composed of primary m arkets and secondary markets: In the primary market only the trade of newly issues securities occurs, whereas in the secondary market previously issued – so existing – securities are traded (Madura 2012). The organized versus over-the counter markets differentiate in the location factor.Whereas the organized markets represent true visible marketplaces, where member meet to trade and securities are listed like the New York Stock Exchange, the over-the-counter markets are a wired network of dealer, which do not need a central and physical location to trade, because it is a direct trade between the two participants (Madura 2012). Telecommunication and Internet allowed businesses to trade all over the world in every financial market. However, this global interconnection of financial markets also has its side effects as the fall of the Lehmann Brothers and following economic developments have shown.In 2008 and 2009 there has been a worldwide crisis in the international f inancial markets, which has lead to an extreme high number of credit defaults and amortizations on speculative assets of banks and financial institutions. The financial crisis has been triggered by the lending practice, the insufficient collateralisation of mortgages and securitization of credits in the real estate market in the United States of America. The speculation on rising real estate prices bursted and risky bonds lost their value dramatically.The financial crisis developed to a liquidity crisis, because the credit lending of banks, which are equipped with liquidity, to banks, which need cash and cash equivalents in form of credits, stopped despite the fact that the most important national banks decreased the discount rate under 1 %. Due to lack of trust between the banks, the interbank credit lending decreased dramatically, so that the liquidity crisis turned to a bank crisis. Henceforth, this crisis covered the goods market, in result unemployment rates increased, internat ional trade decreased and the recession settled. Due to the dimensions the economic slump took it is considered as the new world economic crisis (bpb 2013).2. Financial InstitutionsFinancial Institutions are firms that provide access to the financial markets, both to savers, who wish to purchase financial instruments directly, and to borrowers, who want to issue them (Cecchetti/ Schoenholtz 2010). In fact, financial institutions – also referred to as financial intermediaries – are like most other businesses: the primary business is to generate profit by minimizing the costs and maximizing the revenues. Additionally, financial intermediaries design and sell financial products and services in accordance to customers demand at a reasonable profit level (Pilbeam 2010: 46). A financial intermediary interacts with savers or lenders and borrowers simultaneously; thereby it produces a set of services, which facilitate the transformation of its liabilities into assets such as l oans, which is referred to as intermediation (Madura 2012: 12).2.1 Types of Financial InstitutionsGenerally, there are three classifications of financial institutions: depository institutions, contractual saving institutions, and investment institutions. Firstly, depository institutions such as commercial banks and savings banks accept and manage cash deposits as well as make loans (Pilbeam 2010: 46). Furthermore, deposit-taking institutions strive to make a profit in the way of ‘spread income’ between the cost of the deposits that they accept and other sources of funding, and the return that they receive on their investment portfolio in the way of loans, equity stakes and other investments (Pilbeam 2010: 46).Depository institutions underlie default risks, regulatory risks as well as liquidity risks (Pilbeam 2010: 46). Secondly, contractual savings Institutions attain funds under long-term contractual arrangements and invest them largely in the capital market especially in long-term equity and debt instruments such as life insurances, private pension funds, and funded social pension insurance systems. Due to the agreement’s requirement of regular payments from for example policyholder and pension fund participant, contractual savings institutions have relatively stable inflows of funds.The stable cash flows – both inflows and outflows – are relatively stable as well as predictable, so that liquidity is not a predominant factor in the asset management of these institutions (Impavido/ Musalem 2000: 3-5). Thirdly, investment institutions are commonly known as investment companies, corporations, or trusts. An investment company issues securities and is predominantly engaged in the business of investing in securities.Hereby, it aggregates funds of a large number of investors into a specific investment in compliance with the objectives of the investors. Individuals invest in diversified, professionally managed portfolios of securiti es, whereby they have access to a wider range of securities and a guaranteed spread of risk than without the investing company as intermediary (Pilbeam 2010: 53-54).2. 2 Role of Financial Institutions in the Financial MarketAs previously described in reference to the financial crisis, financial markets are imperfect; participants in the market do not have full access to information (Madura 2012: 10). For example, an investor is not able to verify the creditworthiness of potential borrowers and there is a lack of expertise to assess this creditworthiness. Here financial institutions’ function is to resolve the limitations caused by market imperfections.Therefore, financial institutions are involved in the information processing (Madura 2012). Thereby, they investigate the financial conditions of the potential customers to figure out which have the best investment opportunities (Cecchetti/ Schoenholtz 2010). Consequently, financial intermediaries are saving information costs as well as transaction costs, because financial institutions â€Å"assist in the transfer of funds from surplus to deficit units in the economy†(Pilbeam 2010: 63). For example, there are many lenders/ surplus units, who all strive to lend various low value money market securities for different periods of time, or there few borrowers/ deficit units, who wish to borrow capital market securities for a fixed period of time – here financial institutions are useful as an intermediary.Lenders do not have to search the markets for suitable borrowers and vice versa. Financial institutions borrow various amounts of money from surplus units, reform these into an amount suitable for the final deficit unit, and transform them into a maturity suitable for the final borrower. Thereby financial institutions serve the special needs of the deficit units and surplus units (Madura 2012: 10-11). Overall, flexibility is existent for all participants, because lenders can change the terms a nd conditions of lending to the intermediary without the intermediary or final borrower being at disadvantage.While financial institution act as intermediary, they bear the risk and in result, the risk is reduced. By diversification meaning offering various bundles of financial assets, financial intermediaries spread the risk and thereby, transform risky assets to less risky ones (Madura 2012: 10-11). In fact, individual investors are capable of diversification, however, they may not do it as cost efficient as financial institutions and therefore, they possess a crucial role in financial markets.In conclusion, financial institutions â€Å"ensure that the costs and risk are lower than if the surplus and deficit agents dealt directly with each other, and thereby ensure that there is greater flow than in the absence of financial intermediaries†(Pilbeam 2010: 63). Pilbeam means with greater flow that intermediaries increase investment as well as economic growth (Cecchetti/ Schoe nholtz 2010).2.3 Role of Financial Institutions in the Financial CrisisFinancial crises mainly manifest themselves at the level of financial institutions; especially, the role of banking institutions in the occurrence and transmitting of financial crises is a deciding one for the recent financial crisis (Andries 2009: 151). Financial Institution such as banks can facilitate the financial crises through their activities in the financial markets. Their activities can influence the interest rates, the uncertainty on the market and the price of assets (Andries 2009: 152).The worldwide financial crisis of 2008 was subject to several developments of banks’ practices: Financial innovations and risky speculations such as in subprime mortgages and collateralized debt obligations have been practiced, loans have been expanded and the prices of assets increased without economic basis and unexpectedly decreased, so the orientation changed towards liquidity (Andries 2009: 149). Overall, ba nking institutions have overdone diversification and practiced financial innovations meaning structured finance, which were new complex products, whose risk could not be assessed by the rating agencies (Fratianni/ Marchionne 2009: 8-9).While the crisis there has been uncertainty among market participants and default risk increased, so that borrowers increased the interest rates to all borrowers (Fratianni/ Marchionne 2009: 13). Simultaneously, â€Å"banks reacted by selling assets to reduce leverage, setting in motion a vicious circle of asset liquidation and price declines across a vast range of assets. Financial integration and made possible for the crisis to spread virtually worldwideâ€Å"(Fratianni/ Marchionne 2009: 21).3. ConclusionIn conclusion, financial institutions possess a vibrant role in the financial markets and accelerate the development of financial crises, because of their activities. Furthermore, financial institutions act as an intermediary, thereby they decreas e transaction costs and risk, and simultaneously increase efficiency through information processing. However, besides economic growth financial institutions encourage side effects: Especially the banking institutions’ practices are responsible for the development of the recent financial crisis. Their striving for more profit with practices under the theme of no risk, no reward lead to the downturn of the worldwide economy. In the future, governments and international institutions meet certain requirements and establish regulations, in order that such practices and activities are restrained.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Case: Valley Wide Utilities Company Essay
Problems A. Macro 1. The company faced with financial inefficiencies resulting from an expansion of its facilities. 2. President Delgado appointed John Givens and Hilda Hirsh to provide a broad outline of MBO performance standards, identify key standards controlling performance, and more specifically, isolate goals not easily attained. B. Micro 1. During the past year, performance evaluation problems are surfacing, dissatisfaction is emerging, managers are stating MBO standards are too tight and unfair, and workers are threatening to leave. I. Causes 1. John and Hilda may not have the knowledge or skills to evaluate and change performance levels of individuals or teams. 2. Hirsh was only looking for failure to report under the cover of the MBO system II. Systems affected 1. The company just increased the performance level on several items, bur they didn’t set a specific goal. 2. When the problems appeared, the company should talk about it together, and find out what they should do next, but they didn’t. III. Alternatives 1. Lower the standard of the system. 2. The manager should make a plan or goal from the review, then tell the employees how to do next. IV. Recommendation The company should do what I said before. Case: valley wide utilities company Problems C. Macro 3. The company faced with financial inefficiencies resulting from an expansion of its facilities. 4. President Delgado appointed John Givens and Hilda Hirsh to provide a broad outline of MBO performance standards, identify key standards controlling performance, and more specifically, isolate goals not easily attained. D. Micro 1. During the past year, performance evaluation problems are surfacing, dissatisfaction is emerging, managers are stating MBO standards are too tight and unfair, and workers are threatening to leave. V. Causes 3. John and Hilda may not have the knowledge or skills to evaluate and change performance levels of individuals or teams. 4. Hirsh was only looking for failure to report under the cover of the MBO system VI. Systems affected 3. The company just increased the performance level on several items, bur they didn’t set a specific goal. 4. When the problems appeared, the company should talk about it together, and find out what they should do next, but they didn’t. VII. Alternatives 3. Lower the standard of the system. 4. The manager should make a plan or goal from the review, then tell the employees how to do next. VIII. Recommendation The company should do what I said before. Case: valley wide utilities company Problems E. Macro 5. The company faced with financial inefficiencies resulting from an expansion of its facilities. 6. President Delgado appointed John Givens and Hilda Hirsh to provide a broad outline of MBO performance standards, identify key standards controlling performance, and more specifically, isolate goals not easily attained. F. Micro 1. During the past year, performance evaluation problems are surfacing, dissatisfaction is emerging, managers are stating MBO standards are too tight and unfair, and workers are threatening to leave. IX. Causes 5. John and Hilda may not have the knowledge or skills to evaluate and change performance levels of individuals or teams. 6. Hirsh was only looking for failure to report under the cover of the MBO system X. Systems affected 5. The company just increased the performance level on several items, bur they didn’t set a specific goal. 6. When the problems appeared, the company should talk about it together, and find out what they should do next, but they didn’t. XI. Alternatives 5. Lower the standard of the system. 6. The manager should make a plan or goal from the review, then tell the employees how to do next. XII. Recommendation The company should do what I said before. Case: valley wide utilities company Problems G. Macro 7. The company faced with financial inefficiencies resulting from an expansion of its facilities. 8. President Delgado appointed John Givens and Hilda Hirsh to provide a broad outline of MBO performance standards, identify key standards controlling performance, and more specifically, isolate goals not easily attained. H. Micro 1. During the past year, performance evaluation problems are surfacing, dissatisfaction is emerging, managers are stating MBO standards are too tight and unfair, and workers are threatening to leave. XIII. Causes 7. John and Hilda may not have the knowledge or skills to evaluate and change performance levels of individuals or teams. 8. Hirsh was only looking for failure to report under the cover of the MBO system XIV. Systems affected 7. The company just increased the performance level on several items, bur they didn’t set a specific goal. 8. When the problems appeared, the company should talk about it together, and find out what they should do next, but they didn’t. XV. Alternatives 7. Lower the standard of the system. 8. The manager should make a plan or goal from the review, then tell the employees how to do next. XVI. Recommendation The company should do what I said before.
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