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Nstp Concept Paper Bakakeng free essay sample
TheInstructorSAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM (NSTP) OFFICE SCHOOL OF TEACHER EDUCATION Gonzaga Campus, Gen. Luna Road 2600 Baguio City Tel (074) 4470664/09189193547/09163349807 Email: [emailprotected] com; [emailprotected] com -APPENDIX A- CONCEPT PAPER I. PROJECT CLUSTER: SAFETY AND ORDER RE-ENGINEERING APOSTOLATE II. PROJCT NAME: ANTI-VANDALISM BAKAKENG III. VENUE: BAKAKENG ROTONDA IV. TERM AND DATE: SUMMER 2013 V. RECIPIENT: COMMUNITY VI. LINKAGES: BARANGAYS VII. PROJECT RATIONALE 1. Graffiti vandalism is glaring along the Bakakeng Road. It destroys the beauty of environment. This situation calls for sustained efforts to remove graffiti and promote a beautiful and conducive community environment. 2. The project aims to resolve the prominent problem that is vandalism and helps promote the provision of the Anti-Graffiti Code of Baguio ordinance number 41 series of 2008. SECTION 3. Prohibited Acts a) Defacement It shall be unlawful for any person to apply graffiti to any natural or man-made surface on any city-owned property or, without the permission of the owner or occupant, on any privately-owned property. We will write a custom essay sample on Nstp Concept Paper Bakakeng or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page b) Possession of graffiti implements b. ) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to possess any graffiti implement while on any, school grounds, facilities, buildings, or structure or in any case immediately adjacent to those specific locations upon public property, or upon private property without the prior written consent of the owner or occupant of such private property. b. 2) No minor shall possess an aerosol spray or a broad-tipped indelible marker on any public property unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, teacher or other adult in ay similar relationship and such possession is for a lawful purpose. . 3) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess any graffiti implement while in or upon any public facility park, playground, swimming pool, recreation facility, or other public building or structure owned or operated by the city or while in or within 50 feet of an underpass, bridge abutment storm drain, or similar types of infrastructure unless othe rwise authorized by the city. b. 4) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or carry graffiti implements or materials with the intent to use such materials to violate Section 4 hereof. A person possesses graffiti implements or materials when one possesses any paint, marker, pen materials or instruments that are adapted, designed or commonly used for committing or facilitating the commission of an offense involving damaging, defacing or destroying public or private property, and they intend to use the thing possessed in the commission of such offense, or know that some other person use the thing possessed in the commission of such offense. 3. This NSTP Apostolate or project is an avenue where students can exercise and share their sense of Mission to Transform beyond Borders, and the Universitys four core values: COMPETENCE, CREATIVITY, SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT, and CHRISTIAN SPIRIT. Students are unexpected to apply and share their knowledge and skills to the community to ensure the success of the project as well as in their professional and human development as Louisians and as members of their own culture. 4. The above concerns indeed necessitate an education campaign to conscientization and involve the youth in their promotion and resolution. VIII. PROJECT GOAL/GENERAL OBJECTIVE To help promote cleanliness by removing or repainting graffiti vandalism. IX. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES During the current term, the apostolate should be able to: 1. Coordinate the project with the Barangay officials. 2. Remove or repaint graffiti around the central business district. 3. Remove candidates’ posters who run in the election lately. X. PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND SCHEDULES ACTIVITIES| DATE/TIME| A. Designation of Apostolate B. Planning and Strategizing Ocular Visit 1. Contact the partners and arrange an appointment for a meeting. 2. Prepare letters and project concept paper to be presented to the partners during the meeting. . Meeting proper: a) Introduce the project group as the SLU NSTP; b) Present the concept paper especially the items on the paper you propose the partners will extend assistance with; c) Secure comments, suggestions, concern from the partners; d) Revise the project concept paper to incorporate the comments; and e) Secure approval signature from all sector involve. C. Ocular Visit D. Apostolate Fieldwork 1. Visit the area of responsibility and identity the area with graffiti the color of the walls with graffiti and the color of the graffiti. 2. Train on the mixing paint and painting to accurately match the color of the wall with graffiti invite consultant or expert if necessary. 3. Prepare the needed materials for the activity. 4. Schedule the actual repainting and or cleaning of the identified graffiti. | May 08, 201301:30-03:00May 09, 2013May 10, 2013May 11, 2013| E. Alternative Fieldwork (Troubleshooting) 1. Go to the assigned building and find an available room to perform the removal of vandalism on chairs using sandpaper. 2. Bring the selected chairs outside the room to start the removal of vandalism. May 14, 2013| F. Continuation of Apostolate Fieldwork| May 15-16, 2013| G. Project Evaluation| May 17, 2013| H. Completion of Requirements and Concept Paper Evaluation| May 18, 2013| XI. PROJECT PROPONENTS PROMOTERS/MODIREATORS A. SLU ADMINISTRATION: Approval of the project as per the University vision-mission and strategic plan. B. NSTP Coordinator: Takes charge of overall facilitation of the sustainability of the apost olate. The NSTP Coordinator shall co-supervise apostolate activities as the need arises. C. SUPERVISING INSTRUCTOR. Takes charge of the diligent supervision and monitoring of activities if the apostolate to ensure optimum outcomes or results and to ensure safety of all concerned throughout the project term. The Supervising Instructor ensures that appropriate procedures, guidelines and other plans are prepared, approved, implemented and followed. IMPLEMENTERS D. ASSIGNED STUDENTS OF SLU ENROLLED IN NSTP 2: To serve as the technical working group of the project. In close coordination with their assigned Supervising Instructor, project students will facilitate the project according to approved plans, procedures and guidelines. LINKAGES E. BARANGAY OFFICIALS: To be present to co-supervise the students and help provide security and needed assistance. XII. RESOURCES AND EXPENSES QUANTITY| ITEM| AMOUNT| BUDGET/FUND| | Tinting colors| | c/o NSTP Office| | Paint brush| | c/o NSTP Office| | Newspapers| | c/o NSTP Office| | Gloves| | c/o NSTP Office| | Steel brush| | c/o NSTP Office| | Paint (gray)| | c/o NSTP Office| | Bottle of water| | c/o Facilitating group| Prepared by the apostolate committee: Project Student Leader NOEL C. RULLANALBERT G. GUINGUINO JR. Supervising Instructor SLU-NSTP Coordinator Endorsed by: JACOB R. PALOS JR. JOSE G. GALINATU Barangay Captain Barangay Captain Bakakeng Norte Bakakeng Sur SLU-NSTP: APOSTOLATE-PROJECT CONCEPT PAPER/SAFETY AND ORDER RE-ENGINEERING APOSTOLATE (SORA)/ANTI-VANDALISM BAKAKENG ROTONDA SUMMER, 2013 -Appendix B- CONCERNED AREA MAP OF SLU-NSTP-CWTS ANTI-VANDDALISM BAKAKENG ROTONDA SLU-NSTP: APOSTOLATE-PROJECT CONCEPT PAPER/SAFETY AND ORDER RE-ENGINEERING APOSTOLATE (SORA)/ANTI-VANDALISM BAKAKENG ROTONDA SUMMER, 2013 -Appendix C- PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES TO ENSURE SUCCESS OF THE PROJECT AND SAFETY OF IMPLEMENTORS AND PARTICIPANTS 1) Undergo general plenary orientation with the NSTP Coordinator ) Choose or secure your apostolate assignment according to the procedure and guidelines applicable therein. 3) Organize your group project. 4) Undergo orientations with your Supervising Instructor. 5) Review of project papers and previous project progress reports. 6) Undergo ocular visit as may be necessary. 7) Discussions, further planning on the requisites of the project plan as spec ified in the concept paper, and drafting of current term project papers. 8) Consultation with your Supervising Instructor, project partners, project consultants, and the NSTP Coordinator. ) Finalize editing of project concept papers incorporating results of consultations. 10) Secure endorsement of the concept paper of the apostolate for the current term from the NSTP Coordinator, STE Dean, External partner(s), SAO and University Vice President for Academic Affairs. 11) Processing the approval of the University President on the apostolate for the current term. 12) Undergo final preparation of needed resources, schedules, and venues. 13) Undergo final briefing with your Supervising Instructor. 14) Take note of the following activity procedure: a. Prepare a copy of apostolate or project concept papers. b. Focus on the structures on the both sides of the target roads. Prioritize the graffiti that are visualized within the group area of responsibility (AOR). c. Take photos of the identified graffiti, close and distant view, with and without the group. d. Never create distraction on the roadside that may offend any motorists. e. Ensure that you will not get hit by a vehicle nor get bitten by dogs if there are. f. Ask the owner or concerned person for the graffitized structure and inform him/her regarding the project. Try to ask for their contact number, or provide a contact number that they can contact if they want to relay information that concerns the project. g. If the owner does not like to accommodate you, do not insist. Thank the owner and request to sign just the name address and name owner and signature and write on the form â€Å"declined assessment†. h. After the assessment, summarize and update the owner of the results. i. Accomplish the assessment form and have it signed by the owner. Inform and ensure to the owner that the assessment result will be brought only to the SLU NSTP office for further study and preparation. j. Do not forget to ake pictures as specified previously. But always inform and ask permission from the owner before you take pictures. Sincerely inform and ensure to the owner that the pictures are just for documentation purpose. Together with the assessment results, the pictures will also be handled confidently. k. Inform them of your group comeback for the rem oval of graffiti. Thank the owner and bid goodbye. l. If the owner of the graffitized structure or concerned person is hard to identify, still take a picture of the graffiti for consultation. m. In the graffiti removal proper, ensure that all materials are ready based on the previous assessment. . Inform the owner regarding the activity and secure guidance from them. o. Take pictures during and after the graffiti removal activity. p. Thank the owner for their cooperation. q. Leave them a contact number which they can contact directly if graffiti will again appear in the area for immediate comeback graffiti removal. r. Formulate a routine of area monitoring schedule utilizing the members of the group. s. Provide a daily report of the monitoring to your apostolate supervising. 15) Implement you project as both planned and approved. Strictly, implement only plans, activities and items that are approved by the NSTP Office. Should there be items you need to incorporate incidental to incorporate incidental to the project implementation, always refer and secure approval of the mater from the NSTP Coordinator. 16) Always document your project. This is a major requirement of your course. Your documentation will include a narrative report and pictures. The narrative report is a journal or narration of the activity proceedings. Every narrative report must be countersigned or attested by the Supervising Instructor. Check your Supervising Instructor if the narrative report will be individual or by group. Picture documentation must show the â€Å"before†, â€Å"during†, and the â€Å"after†condition of your activities or project implementations. To be taken pictures also are meeting with officers of offices and visit of venues. Covered by the documentation are all activities and meetings related to NSTP 2 from the general orientation with the NSTP Coordinator at the plenary or gym to the project implementation and until the accomplishment of the project accomplishment portfolio. 17) Always regularly meet with your Supervising Instructor for updates and troubleshooting of your project 8) Always wear properly (visible at chest level) your SLU student ID and wear NSTP t-shirt while on duty. 19) Properly accomplish you attendance before and after your duty using your Individual Report Record. Have your Individual Report Record be signed by the house owner. Accomplish the date, time-in, time-out, and the activity done. 20) Have the initiative to solve problems of the project. Exercise and exhaust your critical thinking and wisdom to decide on other concerns relative to the said work; remember, however, that any decision or action you make is you responsibility and accountability. Troubleshoot your concerns but refer all resolved plans or solutions to your Supervising Instructor before implementation. 21) Always accomplish your journal. Write important details regarding your duty such as comments, suggestions, and problems encountered with students, teammates, and school personnel. It is also advisable to write an incident report regarding the matter, and submit to the NSTP Office for proper attention. Secure the name of the person concerned. 22) Facilitators should always follow the modules given for the day. Any changes therein should be referred inform to the Supervising Instructor for approval before the implementation. 23) Always be ready with your materials and resources before your actual activity. 24) No using of cell phone, I-pods, and related gadgets while your activity or project implementation is in progress. 25) No bringing along of friends, buddies, or other persons who are not approved to be part of your team in the apostolate/project area. 26) Be polite and kind to other persons in the area. 27) The project as approved by the University President is an official activity of the University. Hence, University policies, guidelines and procedures still apply. Appropriate behavior and disciple must be observed. Please be guided by your student manual. 28) If only to further ensure the success of the activity and the safety of everyone during and after the activity, follow additional guidelines given to you at the venue during the said activity by the authorities of the activity. 29) You are responsible for any act or untoward incident if the cause is: a. due to negligence in your part; b. violation of rules and regulations or instructions; c. not covered by the period defined the instructors duties and responsibilities; d. Be reminded to accomplish and turn in updated personal narrative report and activity time record with the Supervising Instructor weekly. 30) Always observe and practice safety and security provisions or precautions. Be reminded of the provisions of safety as specified in your waiver or guardians consent. 31) Always have an accessible contact number of the following who are near or close in the apostolate area: police, hospital, emergency medical service units like Red Cross and BEMs, apostolate host or partner, Supervising Instructor, NSTP Coordinator or other persons who could be of help during emergencies. 2) In case of emergency, potential or actual, stop ongoing activity and immediately secure yourself and contact the number/persons specified above. Contact the most accessible entity but just the same, contact all the persons/entities specified above to be sure. If the Supervising Instructor is by the vicinity and he/she is accessible immediately, you can coordinate first with hi m/her. Prepared by: NOEL C. RULLANALBERT G. GUINGUINO JR Project Supervising Instructor SLU-NSTP Coordinator
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